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Tips for gardening in Autumn

September 19, 2023

Autumn is a great time of year to ensure your garden is ready for the winter and prepared for a spring full of new life. These are our 3 main tips for you this autumn.

🍂 As the colors of fall appear plant for the blossoms of next year!

Autumn begins on September 1st in the northern hemisphere. And did you know this is a perfect time to plant perennials, trees, and bushes in your home garden? They will benefit from the moist ground during autumn, ensuring a strong root system and flourishing growth next year. Your local garden center will be happy to give advice on which green additions will transform your garden into your ideal paradise next spring. By using fresh planting soil you provide plants the best possible start!

🍂 Don’t miss the chance to get the freshest seedlings at your local garden center!

Because in Autumn, garden stores have an excellent selection of fresh seedlings, grown at professional growers during spring and summer.
Embrace those golden rays and dive into Autumn gardening at home!

🍂 Much like us, grasses have fundamental needs to thrive.

They also require air, sunlight, water, and essential nutrients, especially as winter approaches.
Therefore plan on fertilizing your lawn in the autumn, to give it that extra strength.

It will benefit from

  • Nitrogen (N) for a denser, greener appearance.
  • Potassium (K) to enhance root development, bolstering its resistance to drought and cold.
  • Iron (Fe) to intensify its lush green hue.

Visit your local garden center for guidance on the best lawn fertilizers for your grass. Alternatively, explore our range of Algomin, Hasselfors Garden , and Kekkilä Garden products available in the Nordics.

