Grow21 Festival
Three days of inspiring talks, exciting insights and future innovations. This is the online event for the green industry to come together to discuss and develop horticulture and gardening towards a more sustainable future.
Grow21 Festival took place on 9th, 10th and 11th of February 2021.

35 expert talks
We want to thank all 30 experts from different organisations in the green industry weinvited to talk about hot topics including the future of growing, green urban areas, green consumers, gardening trends, innovations in the green industry, securing biodiversity, food production in the future and many more.
Another 20 webinars were organised by Kekkilä-BVB experts together with our partners for local audiences in local languages. These local markets are the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Latin America and the USA.

How to watch Grow21 recordings
You can register for watch the recordings most interest to you by clicking the titles on the video lounge.
Recordings of the local webinars in local languages will be available later on the video lounge as well.
Pick your favourites and watch the recordings for the sessions you want.
De lokale webinars / paikalliset webinaarit / de lokala webbseminarierna – nederlands / suomeksi / svenska.
9.2.2021 Day 1 focused on securing green areas and biodiversity in urban environments.
Securing biodiversity, building green areas, and recycling are more important topics than ever to take into account when designing the future urban areas. We will discuss green cities of the future, and friendly microbes that ensure biodiversity underground and within the soil. Roof gardens will be a big add-on in securing the biodiversity above the ground. We will not only see the traditional meadows, but more and more green patches attached to houses and other buildings on roofs and walls as well as riverbanks.
Our host Nina Kinnunen, Director, Sustainability, Brand & Communications, Kekkilä-BVB takes the festival participants to an exciting tour around the green industry during the three Grow21 festival days. Participants are welcome to ask questions and share their experiences via Grow21 Festival chat.
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
NOTE: Agenda 9.00 – 12.45 – all times in the main session are Central European Time CET
9:00 Welcome & opening remarks
- Juha Mäkinen, CEO Kekkilä-BVB and Tiia Kujanpää, Director BU Retail and BU Landscaping & Recycling, Kekkilä-BVB, will set the scene for the Grow21 Festival. The first day will focus on the Green environments and securing biodiversity in urban environments.
9.10 Keynote: The future of green urban areas
- The importance of urban green is huge. Laura Gatti (Bosco Verticale agronomist) will provide us with an inspirational speech about the past, present and future of our green cities. What are the most eye catching developments and why should we expand our green journey.
- Laura Gatti, Renown Agriculturist and Landscape Consultant
9.40 Innovations update: Opportunities for green quay walls
- A short documentary about the use of substrate as a greening of the quay walls in city centers and the benefits that come with it. This innovation is a perfect example of how cities can green themselves. You will see how to build the quay walls. After the document there will be an opportunity to ask questions via the live QA.
- Jarno van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, Kekkilä-BVB
9.50 Innovations update: Compost and recycling
- In his presentation Adrie will take you on a trip in the world of compost. He will explain how the material enters Attero and what it takes to produce compost that is suitable for use in the growing media sector. All pros and cons will be discussed, with particular emphasis on how to deal with the cons. Adrie will also elaborate on the joint projects that Attero has with Kekkilä-BVB to use compost more often as a growing medium. Are you curious about the possibilities of compost and which advantages and disadvantages the material has and how these are dealt with, register now for this presentation!
- Dr. Adrie Veeken, Attero, Research & Business Developer Bio-based products
10.15 Keynote: Biodiversity within the soil / substrate
- The soil is an ecosystem filled with life. Most of the organisms are not visible by the naked eye and therefore tends to be overlooked or ignored. But a healthy soil with a diversity of organisms is a foundation to grow healthy plants, to create resilient landscapes and can also contribute to the mitigation of climate change. This talk will be an introduction to some of the most common organisms in the soil. It will also cover how grower and gardeners can promote the presence of these vital organisms.
- Hanna Williams, Agronomist with focus on soil health, Splendor Plant
10.45 Keynote: Biodiversity above ground – Roof gardens and urbanscapes
- Environmental biologist and Landscape designer Taina Suonio presents fresh University of Helsinki research on the use of policy instruments in Finland to promote vegetated roofs with their numerous benefits; supporting biodiversity, managing urban runoff and offering recreation for inhabitants.
- Taina Suonio, Environmental biologist and Landscape designer
11.15 Break
11.55 Innovations update: Worms – The future star players
- Dr. Wieger Wamelink will guide you through the wonderful world of worms and the possibilities to grow food on Mars. In the presentation he will provide insights on the use of ‘the future star players’ of the soil and how the worms can help in the cultivation of food and plants on our planet and on Mars. Worms play an important role within the soil and their presence comes along with many benefits and possibilities. Wieger’s presentation is a great eye-opener for everyone and is super interesting to attend!
- Wieger Wamelink, Senior Ecologist, Wageningen University & Research
13.15 Interview: Urban green design book by Municipality Amsterdam, including a multilingual Q&A in English / Nederlands / Suomeksi / Svenska
- In a city like Amsterdam, the biggest challenge is that we integrally combine the trees with underground and above-ground infrastructure and other aspects such as groundwater and the intensive use of public space. That is actually the biggest challenge we face: how do we ensure that we can preserve old valuable trees and how do we design new growing-sites so that the trees will grow fast, old and big in the highly densified city. Herman Best of Municipality Amsterdam is interviewed by Jarno van Veelen on the best practices on a urban greening project.
- Herman Best, Urban green advisor, Engineering department city of Amsterdam
- Jarno Van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, Kekkilä-BVB
Multilingual Q&A:
- Herman Best, Municipality Amsterdam
- Jarno Van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, Kekkilä-BVB
- Paulina Nyberg, Viherrakentamisen tuotepäällikkö, Kekkilä
- Katja Börjesson, Portfolio Manager, Hasselfors Garden
Starting times are estimates.
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
Local webinars – stay tuned for updates
14.00 (EET ) Erilaiset niittykohteet kaupunkiympäristössä ja Kekkilän tuoteuutuudet niityille
- Niittyjä tarvitaan eri puolille kaupunkiympäristöä, myös keskeisille paikoille. Niittyjen perustamisesta viheralueille on useita etuja. Sen lisäksi, että luomme ympäristön pölyttäjille, niityt vaativat vähemmän hoitoa kuin esimerkiksi nurmialueet. Tässä webinaarissa asiantuntijat keskustelevat pääasiassa kolmesta eri niittytyypistä: kuivista, tuoreista ja tulvaniityistä. Mitä ominaisuuksia niillä on, millaisiin kohteisiin ne sopivat ja mitä huomioida niiden suunnittelussa, perustamisessa ja hoidossa? Esittelemme webinaarissa myös uudistuneen niittymultatuoteperheen. Jussi Kankaisen vieraina ProAgrian maisema-asiantuntija Riikka Söyrinki, viherrakentamisen asiantuntija Paulina Nyberg ja viherrakentamisen aluemyyntipäälikkö Mika Valkila.
- Riikka Söyrinki, Maisema-asiantuntija, Etelä-Suomen Maa- ja kotitalousnaiset, ProAgria
- Paulina Nyberg, Viherrakentamisen tuotepäällikkö, Kekkilä
- Mika Valkila, Viherrakentamisen aluemyyntipäällikkö, Kekkilä
- Jussi Kankainen, Liiketoimintapäällikkö, Viherrakentaminen ja Kierrätyspalvelut, Kekkilä
13.00 (CET ) Hasselfors Garden Landscaping Produktnyhet: Fallskyddsflis
- Hasselfors Garden Landscaping presenterar en av årets produktnyheter: Fallskyddsflis. Vi delar med oss av fördelarna och fakta kring detta miljövänligt material som kan användas som ett naturligt underlag vid lekplatser eller till mulchning av planteringar.
14.00 (CET ) Biokol i städer – kolsänka och jordförbättrande medel
- I urbana miljöer används biokol i dag i vissa applikationer som trädplanteringar med kolmakadam, regnbäddar och på gröna tak. Andra tillämpningar har testats men används ännu inte i någon stor skala. Detta föredrag ska visa exempel på hur biokol används och vad det gör för nytta i olika tillämpningar. Biokol har olika egenskaper beroende på vad det tillverkats av och hur tillverkningsprocessen gått till. Dessa resultat har främst tagits fram i projektet Rest till Bäst (biokol.org).
- Ann-Mari Fransson, Föreläsare, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
14.00 (CET ) BVB Landscaping, Daktuinconcept met watermanagement
- We zien daktuinen de laatste jaren behoorlijk veranderen. In deze Webinar bespreken we voornamelijk groenblauwe daken met een slim watermanagement systeem. Substraat zorgt niet alleen voor een groen dak, maar is geïntegreerds en afgestemd op het concept.
- Henk Vlijm, Directeur, Optigrün International AG.
- Jarno Van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, BVB Landsaping
15.30 (CET ) BVB Landscaping, Vaste planten concept met garantie
- Deze Webinar gaat over het vaste planten concept van Griffioen. Ook wel bekend als Green to Colour. We bespreken de diverse mogelijkheden, werkwijze en geven daarbij achtergrondinformatie. Ook gaan we wat dieper in op biodiversiteit en watermanagement. Natuurlijk wordt ook de rol van substraten besproken.
- Stefan Verbunt, Directeur, Griffioen vaste planten / Green to Colour
- Jarno Van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, BVB Landsaping
10.2.2021 The key focus of day 2 was on consumers.
Consumer needs and behaviour are changing more rapidly than ever. What are the impacts of Covid-19 on consumers’ behaviour? What kind of gardening trends will emerge in the near future, and how can gardening support us all in the new normal? How do the shoppers behave both in the physical as well as virtual shops, now and in the future? These questions and many more will be answered during day 2.
Our host Nina Kinnunen, Director, Sustainability, Brand & Communications, Kekkilä-BVB takes the festival participants to an exciting tour around the green industry during the three Grow21 festival days. Participants are welcome to ask questions and share their experiences via Grow21 Festival chat.
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
NOTE: Agenda 9.00 – 11.45 (Central European Time CET)
9:00 Welcome & opening remarks
- Juha Mäkinen, CEO Kekkilä-BVB and Tiia Kujanpää, Director BU Retail and BU Landscaping & Recycling, Kekkilä-BVB will kick off the discussion of the hot topic on the impact of the pandemic on the green industry and especially on the retail and consumers.
9.05 Keynote: THE NEXT NORM: Cultivating a positive live, work and play in a post pandemic reality
- This visionary keynote covers the key topics shaping tomorrow’s people and our quest for a better world. Highlighting: “how to future proof your organisation to remain relevant” Kjaer explore the 4P business model, where balancing People, Planet, Purpose and Profit informs the Next Norm bottom-line. Thinking about the future is now a top priority for leaders. Even before the pandemic, most CEOs said they spent more time than ever looking into foresight and scenario work. This will grow in importance as we all look for inspiration to imagine the next normal. Wellbeing, inclusivity, diversity and trust are imperative topics, accelerated by the pandemic and now informing any serious conversation about tomorrow. We are witnessing a global structural shift, where our values and lifestyle patterns are up for review as we look to optimise all areas of life – hardly surprising considering how work/life/play is blurring, leaving most under pressure to cope. Our digital reality is already transforming organisations, government and our notions of citizenship. This calls for multi-stakeholder value – challenging existing business models as we redefine wellbeing and success in a post pandemic society – where leaders go beyond words into actions.
- Anne Lise Kjaer, Leading Global Futurist and Visionary Thinker, CEO, Kjaer Global, Specialises in Future Studies and Consumer Mindsets
9.35 Innovations update: Gardening trends in Europe
- Gardening has been an important spare time hobby and entertainment during the pandemic in all Europe. People have spent more time in their gardens than normally. Garden owners have improved their gardens, new hobby gardeners have emerged, and many have started to grow at least some of their own food. what are the trends in gardening for 2021 and beyond? What plants to grow, how to take biodiversity into account in the gardens, what is the role of public gardens? We will hear answers and insight to these and many other questions during Aafje’s speech.
- Aafje Nijman, Trend watcher, Bureau Nijman + van Haaster
10.15 Break
10.20 Keynote: How to reach the shopper in a connected world
- In this keynote Martin will talk about how to reach the shoppers in a connected world? The world is changing from offline to online to omnichannel where the shopper experience is expected to be completely seamless. We will hear about the behaviour of the omni-channel shopper. What is the difference between a shopper and a consumer? How to define a shopper’s path to purchase? These and many other questions will be answered during the speech including 10 actions on how to improve the shopper perspective in the organization.
- Martin Moström, CEO and Strategic Advisor Retail House will be hosted by Jeanette Brorsson-Ekelund of Hasselfors Garden
11.00 Panel discussion: The future of in-store marketing in a connected world
- In this expert panel moderated by Jeanette Brorsson-Ekelund of Hasselfors Garden we will hear what are the most important aspects that affect the customer’s buying behavior? How to create a better overall shopping experience and what would the suppliers’ contribution to retail trade business be besides selling goods? The panelists will discuss the impact of the new technology and the store staff on improving the store visit experience? What will the future physical store be like?
- Martin Moström, CEO and Strategic Advisor Retail House. One of the Nordic countries most experienced Shopper Marketing Expert
- Magnus Söderlund, Professor at Stockholm School of Economics. Professor in Marketing and expert in customer behaviour and the role of the physical store.
- Roger Jackson, CEO Shopper Intellegence. Specialized in data-driven sales development and in-store experience for brands and store chains. (Will take part from London)
- Åsa Lindholm, Strategic Manager and In-store Consumer Experience & Communication at Coop Sweden. (Åsa has prior worked as Operation Manager for the Swedish Trade Council in Guangzhou, China and for IKEA, establishing their business in China.
- Rein Donselaar, Account Manager, Kekkilä-BVB
- Jeanette Brorsson-Ekelund, Trade Marketing Specialist, Hasselfors Garden
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
Local webinars – stay tuned for updates
8.00 (EET) Kekkilä Professional Novelty launch
- Kekkilä Professional is introducing a new Smart package to enable easier handling and better work safety. After the novelty launch, product manager Nedeljko Basic hosts a training session on coarse young plant products and woodfibre. Better performance and more sustainable products are constantly driving innovation.
- Nedeljko Basic, Product manager, Kekkilä Professional
13.00 (EET ) Kotipuutarhamarkkinat ja ostokäyttäytymisen muutos
- Kantarin kotipuutarhatutkimus antaa hyvän katsauksen, mitä pihaan ja puutarhaan liittyviä tuotteita kotitaloudet hankkivat, paljonko rahaa he käyttävät ja mistä ostokset tehdään. Kotipuutarhatutkimuksen lisäksi sukelletaan Kantarin tutkimustulosten kautta koronan vaikutuksiin kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymisessä sekä erityisesti nuorten ikäluokkien asenteisiin.
- Pasi Saarnivaara toimii Kantar TNS Agri Oy:n asiakkuusjohtajana ja vastaa vuosittain tehtävästä Kotipuutarhatutkimuksesta. Pasi on tässä webinaarissa Kekkilän Suomen myynnistä vastaavan Miika Keräsen vieraana.
15.00 (EET ) MEDIALLE: Puutarhatrendejä sekä helppoja vinkkejä pihalle ja parvekkeelle
- Millainen on puutarhavuosi 2021? Muuttuneen maailman myötä vietämme uutta, vihreämpää vaihetta. Puutarha, terassit ja parvekkeet toimivat sisätilan laajennuksena. Moni on aloittanut tai syventänyt harrastustaan, ja kaipaa helppoja vinkkejä. Ruukuissa suuntaus on luonnollisen oloisiin istutuksiin, myös syötäviä kukkia kasvatetaan entistä useammin.
- Kekkilän puutarha-asiantuntija Mari Kaartokallion vieraana puutarhatoimittaja Johanna Vireaho
13.00 (CET ) Hur bygger man en lönsam butiksupplevelse
- Vill du öka försäljning i butik så måste du veta och känna dina köpare och kunder. Alla vill förmodligen inspirera och uppmuntra sina kunder till mer köp, men hur går detta tillväga? Lisbeth Erstrand, Rådgivare och Shopper Marketing Expert på Retail House, -Nordens största Shopper Marketingbyrå ger i denna föreläsning er sina bästa tips på hur man bygger en lönsam butikupplevelse som både ökar försäljningen och ger nöjdare kunder. Vi djupdyker i ämnet Shopper Marketing, vad som påverkar individen att agera och uppmuntras till köp, samt vilka verktyg som butiken har för att öka lönsamheten i kundvarvet.
- Lisbeth Erstrand, Rådgivare och Shopper Marketing Expert, Retail House
14.00 (CET ) Grastegelconcept met bomen in een klimaatadaptieve stad
- Samen met Rain(a)Way zijn we al enige jaren actief met een grastegelconcept. Sinds kort hebben we watermanagement, grastegels en boomgroeiplaatsen aan elkaar gekoppeld. Afkoppelen van hemelwaterafvoer, natuurlijk infiltreren in een zo groen mogelijke omgeving staat centraal in deze Webinar.
- Fien Dekker, Eigenaar / Designer, Rain(a)Way
- Jarno van Veelen, Advisor landscaping, European Tree Technician, BVB Landscping
11.2.2021 Day 3 was all about the sustainable growing in the future.
Covid-19 will also change the green industry. What kind of changes are to be expected after Covid-19 in this industry? What will the future of professional growing and growing media look like? And how can growing media for future food production be ensured for enlarging population? These questions and many more will be answered. And finally, we will dig into the changes driven by climate change on food production, distribution and consumption.
Our host Nina Kinnunen, Director, Sustainability, Brand & Communications, Kekkilä-BVB takes the festival participants to an exciting tour around the green industry during the three Grow21 festival days. Participants are welcome to ask questions and share their experiences via Grow21 Festival chat.
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
NOTE: Agenda 11.00 – 14.00 (Central European Time CET)
11.00 Welcome & opening remarks
- Juha Mäkinen, CEO Kekkilä-BVB and Guido Linders, Director BU Professional growing will lead the festival to the third day. The future of the horticulture industry and sustainable food production are the themes of the day with
11.10 Keynote: The future of horticultural industry
- Jussi Hiltunen, Partner, McKinsey
11.30 Innovations update: The future of sustainable growing
- During this presentation Peter Hendriks (CEO Hoogendoorn Growth Management) will tell you all about the future of sustainable growing using data techniques as artificial intelligence (AI). When cultivation takes place using data insights higher yields can be achieved with the use of less resources. The crops can be grown sustainable and profitable at the same time. At this moment Let’s Grow is the company when it comes to Data Driven Growing!
- Peter Hendriks, CEO Hoogendoorn Growth Management
11.55 Interview: Unique peat
- Horticultural peat has unique characteristic for growing. It is also a part of the answer for using circular raw materials in growing media. Nina Kinnunen and Juha Mäkinen will discuss what makes peat unique and sustainable raw material.
- Juha Mäkinen, Chairman of Growing Media Europe and CEO Kekkilä-BVB
12.20 Interview: Hein Boon, Secretary of RPP
- Responsible produced peat (RPP) is an industry wide certification program, dedicated to ensure sustainable production of horticultural peat and after life on peatlands. Hein Boon, the secretary of RPP, the Responsibly Produced Peat organization, Juha Mäkinen and Nina Kinnunen will discuss the meaning of the responsibly produced peat and certification as well as the importance of the certified productions.
- Hein Boon, Secretary of Responsibly Produced Peat (RPP)
12.40 Keynote: Packaging: insight in sustainability developments
- In her keynote on Day 3 of the GROW21 event, you will get an insight in current developments in the field of packaging. Nynke will look at trends in packaging and sustainability dilemmas companies are facing. By providing examples of sustainable packaging initiatives and collaborations she’ll provide insight in how to approach sustainable packaging.
- Nynke Arntzen, Sustainable Packaging Expert, the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging KIDV
- Folkert Moll, Sustainability Manager, Kekkilä-BVB
13.05 Keynote: How to deal with the wide ranging impacts of climate change?
- Karine Basso, Principal, Agricultural Value Chains, South Pole
13.30 Talking sustainability
- Meiny Prins, CEO Priva
- Nina Kinnunen, Director, Sustainability, Brand & Communications, Kekkilä-BVB
13.50 Closing of the Grow21 Festival
- Nina Kinnunen, Director, Sustainability, Brand and Communications
- Juha Mäkinen, CEO Kekkilä-BVB
- Guido Linders, Director, BU Professional growing
Watch the recordings of the presentations on Grow21 video lounge
Local webinars – stay tuned for updates
9.00 (EET ) Kekkilä Professional & Schetelig Puhetta ryhmäkasviviljelystä
- Talkshow, jossa Scheteligin ja Kekkilän ryhmäkasviviljelyn asiantuntijat keskustelevat viljelyn onnistumisen edellytyksistä!
Keskeisinä aiheina mm. miten valitaan eri kasveille ja viljelytekniikalle sopivat kasvu- ja viljelyalustat sekä valintojen vaikutuksista viljelyyn.
Vastaamme viljelijöitä eniten askarruttaviin kysymyksiin ja neuvomme, miten yleisimmät sudenkuopat vältetään.
Osallistujilla on mahdollisuus osallistua ohjelmaan lähettämällä studioon kysymyksiään asiantuntijoille.
13.30 (CET ) BVB Substrates / BVB College: Organische bemesting en veenvrij substraat
- Tijdens dit webinar gaan wij op een interactieve wijze in op het belang van pH-waarde. Hierbij richten we ons specifiek op de aandachtspunten bij het gebruik van organische meststoffen en nieuwe groeimedia. Aan de hand van animaties en gedetailleerde data nemen wij u mee door de verschillende aandachtspunten in de moderne teelt. Daarbij biedt dit webinar inzicht in de manier waarop de pH-waarde in verschillend samengestelde substraten fluctueert bij organische bemesting en hoe dit effect kan hebben op de teelt.
- Richard Bremmer, Sales Manager Horticulture Ornamentals
- Bram van Bommel, Sales Manager Horticulture Tree Nurseries
- Hosted by Dennis Knelissen, Marketing Specialist, Kekkilä-BVB
13.30 (CET) Kekkilä Professional Novelty launch
- Kekkilä Professional is introducing a new Smart package to enable easier handling and better work safety. After the novelty launch, product manager Nedeljko Basic hosts a training session on coarse young plant products and wood fibre. Better performance and more sustainable products are constantly driving innovation.
- Nedeljko Basic, Product manager, Kekkilä Professional
18.00 (CET) BVB Substrates USA / Future proof your Strawberry Farm: Systems & Constructions (1/3)
- BVB Substrates is the expert partner in strawberry cultivation in Europe for many years. We strongly believe efficient ways of growing in a controlled environment is the future. To support American strawberry growers and help you future-proof your strawberry farm we’d like to share our findings through a series of live webinars. During three 1-hour live sessions we will cover the main topics in strawberry farming. In this first live webinar we zoom in on Structures & Systems to future-proof your strawberry Farm.
- Eric Boot, Sales Manager Soft Fruits/Berries
- Bart Verheijen, Product Manager Soft Fruits/Berries
- Hosted by Dennis Knelissen, Marketing Specialist, Kekkilä-BVB
14.00 (EET ) Kekkilän multa- ja lannoitekoulu – Kiinnostavaa tuotetietoa ja kauden 2021 uutuudet.
- Webinaarissa Minka Mannerla, joka vastaa kotipuutarhureille suunnatusta tuotevalikoimasta ja sen kehittämisestä Kekkilässä kertoo tuotteiden suunnittelusta, valmistuksesta ja raaka-aineista, ja antaa vinkkejä tuotteiden käyttöön. Esittelyssä myös Kekkilän kauden 2021 uutuudet kuluttajille.
- Minka Mannerla, Head of Retail Portfolio Kekkilästä
13.00 (CET ) Hasselfors Gardens jord- och gödselutbildning
- Vi erbjuder dig en intensivkurs i torv, jord och gödsel med Pia Holmberg, utbildad hortonom, Styrelseordförande i Svensk Torv och Hasselfors Gardens egen eminenta produktchef. Pias utbildningar är vida kända och efterfrågade, när du tagit del av denna innehållsrika kurs kommer du ha en god förståelse för vad skillnaden är mellan naturlig jord och tillverkad, jordens olika egenskaper, struktur och surhetsgrad. Vi pratar gödsel och torv, samt dess inverkan på miljön och om det finns alternativ till torv.
- Pia Holmberg, Portfolio Manager, Hasselfors Garden
14.00 (CET ) Hasselfors Gardens sälj- och produktutbildning
- När kunden står framför dig och undrar vilken produkt som är bäst, då behöver du snabbt kunna ge svar och vägleda kunden till rätt produkt. Det är då du behöver kunskaperna från denna utbildning. Är du trygg med de produkter du säljer blir din kund trygg. Och en nöjd kund kommer gärna tillbaka. Vi riktar oss till dig som säljer våra produkter.
- Pia Holmberg, Portfolio Manager, Hasselfors Garden
- Tereza Andersson, Portfolio Manager, Hasselfors Garden
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