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The future of sustainable growing – Peter Hendriks to talk about how data-driven growing can help your business

February 1, 2021

In his keynote address, Peter Hendriks, CEO of Hoogendoorn Growth Management, will examine the future of sustainable growing using data techniques such as artificial intelligence – and how data-driven growing can help your business.

When cultivation takes place using data insights, higher yields can be achieved with the use of less resources. Crops can be grown in ways that are simultaneously more sustainable and profitable.

“How can data-driven growing help us to minimise energy costs and CO2 emissions while maximising crop profitability? And how can we sustainably increase ROI while leaving the planet a better place?”

Crops can share important stories with us through their data. How we interpret this data is a key factor in increasing production, improving quality, and minimising waste. Data-driven growing can help growers to achieve any combination of these three objectives by providing fresh insights into their cultivation processes.

“By applying the insights gained from data collected during cultivation, growers can optimise growth, reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, and save water and energy.”

For example, with the careful application of artificial intelligence, growers can create self-learning models that offer increasingly accurate yield predictions. This can help to optimise conditions for sustainable cultivation, based on plants’ natural resilience. By combining modern technology with the innate qualities of nature, growers can increase their yields while using fewer resources.

“Sustainable growing in the future depends on sharing expertise. Growing knowledge among the world’s growers will enable them to optimise cultivation, their use of resources, and profitability.”

Peter Hendriks is the CEO of Hoogendoorn Growth Management, building on his excellent track record at several software development companies in the horticulture industry.

Before joining Hoogendoorn, Peter spent five years as the Managing Director of the fast-growing software company, He aims to contribute to “feeding and greening the world” by creating synergies between the latest tech developments, new plant physiology findings, and world-renowned growing expertise.

To see Peter’s keynote, check out our full agenda and register for the sessions at
